Can you help us in our quest to find Bill Shatners old house, the one he was born in? Its gone beyond an obsession here at
Heres the deal: according to a book called Captain Quirkan unauthorized bio of our favorite captainBill was born and raised at 4419 Girouard in N.D.G. (Notre Dâme de Grace.)
I went there to check it out.
4419 Girouard. As you can see when you watch the video clip, this looks like the same doorway.
However, in a documentary about Bill by the CBC, he was shown going into quite a different-looking place. Check out the video short below (Quicktime is neededI dont know whether Windows Media Player can play this.)
Wait for the video to download, then click play. Note the name of the current tenant is called "Mr. Le Vigueur" by Bill.
Barry says that Bill actually lived somewhere on Old Orchard, not Girouard. But could the video be lying? I was thinking maybe the video producers took a dummy shot of the exterior of the supposed "house" to deter would-be Trekkies from camping out there. However, the brick outside the door in closeups of Shatner going into the house looks very similar to the brick in my photo, as does the white frame around the door. But that could just be what all the houses around there look like.
Do YOU have the answer? Let me know by emailing me. Ill post the responses here, on my new Find Bills Old House page.
Let's find Bill's old house!
Captain Kirk's chair sold for US $265,000 on eBay. That would buy a very, very nice house in upper Westmount. Just for some lard-ass to be able to sit on the throne and be able to say, "Scotty, Warp 26." Now that's warped.
Meanwhile, Chris "Sherlock" Beck ( points out that "You will note that the door of 4419 Girouard is hinged on the left. The door in the video is hinged on the right."
This is a truly disturbing development. He's absolutely right, and it proves that either the author of the book wherein this address was contained was duped, or the makers of the video are trying to dupe US.
Thanks, Chris, for the astute observation!
For you Shatner addicts: I've just finished production on a DVD of an old Shatner movie, Sole Survivor. It took me about a year and cost about $2000 to produce, but it's here (see pic.) I included a subtitle track (optional) with trivia about the making of the movie, plus stuff about Shatner and the other actors. Fascinating stuff.
Here's stuff said about this page:
Amy Vasiliou says: "I was a student at the Natural Health Consultant Institute for 3 years and everyone there knew that Bill was born at 4240 Girouard (corner Monkland) which is the NHC redone from a duplex. The phone number is 485-3859. |
Paul Gertsen says: "I came across your commendable search for Shatner's original home. |