The "Leading Lady": A Tribute in Plastic (contd.) Click on pictures for bigger versions

While the foil, called by the brand name "Bare-metal Foil" looks great, it's the devil to apply, especially around compound curves.

Still, it doesn't give off toxic fumes and doesn't get all over everything.

The original Leading Lady lacked a bottom ball turret gun.

After bombers began to be escorted to the target by fighters, the bottom gun was deemed unneccesary.

However, in the Monogram model, not installing the turret would leave a gaping hole.

And we wouldn't want to lose an unsuspecting radioman that way, would we?.

The original Leading Lady ended her career on Christmas day, 1944. She was force-landed in Brussels.

Luckily, Mose wasn't flying her. Then again, if he had been, that never would have happened.

Mose's co-pilot was Leo Jones. He was such a good copilot that he got a crew of his own.

This model took about 120 hours to build over the course of 6 months. (I'm slow.)

I'll build you your plane, if the price is right.

But it'll never be as nice as the "Leading Lady."

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